My daughter got this from her friend, Nikki. It is similar in flavor to an Orange Julius.
Combine in blender and blend on high:
6 oz. frozen orange juice
6 oz. cold water
1 cup milk
1/3-1/2 cup sugar
1 tsp. Vanilla
10-12 ice cubes
Options: add one banana.
Substitute crushed strawberries for the orange juice.
Add more ice to make the drink thicker.
Substitute sweetened tart cherry juice for orange juice, water and sugar.
For thicker drink, add more ice.
If you want to make a batch to save for later, you can blend all the ingredients except the ice cubes and store in the refrigerator. When you are ready to serve, whisk the mix (it will separate), then place some of the mix plus the ice cubes into the blender to crush the ice, then add the rest of the mix as needed. For every cup of mix, add 4 ice cubes. If you are using bananas, put them in before adding the last of the mix. Blend on high.
My daughter-in-law and I dried some cherries from her tree today. The recipe said to add sugar, boil, then drain before putting the fruit onto a drying rack. This left some delicious cherry juice. I tried using it in place of the orange juice (12 oz. juice and don't add any additional water or sugar) and it was delicious!
NOTE: If your blender doesn't crush ice well, there are options. Put the ice in the blender first along with the banana, or a little orange juice, if you aren't using the banana. Blend until the ice is crushed, then add the rest of the ingredients and proceed with the recipe. If this still doesn't work, place the ice cubes in a heavy plastic zipper bag and smash with a hammer flat side or meat cleaver smooth side, then place in blender and proceed with directions in this paragraph.