
Tuesday, January 13, 2015


This recipe was sent to me by Elaine Baird, a friend from my high school graduating class. I haven't tried it yet, but it looks delicious.

Here is what she says:

I created something for a whole wheat hotdog bun with a portabella mushroom.
I sliced the mushroom, fried it in organic sesame seed oil, adding a little butter while sauteing, then I decided to flavor with two pieces of thick bacon cut across in to four pieces.  

I adorned a whole wheat hot dog bun with some mustard and placed the bacon and portabella mushroom on the hotdog bun.  

John and I ate 1 and 1/2 buns for lunch.  They have a meat like flavor and seasoning, and frying them is very tasty with a little meat added or a meat substitute if you like.  These mushrooms are so large that they are a good buy to replace a meat taste in a casserole or sandwich.  

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